CH Some Kind of Magic’s Charisma CD STDc OTDd ATDs JS-N RS-N GS-N DNA-CP |
2 weeks old |
Roses and Dreams Guess Who – “JJ” (Jones Junior)
Red merle girl (possibly bi)
Red merle girl (possibly bi)
Roses and Dreams Gracious One – “Prada”
Roses and Dreams Gabbana – “Dolce” Red tri girl |
Roses and Dreams Gunsmoke – “Misty”
Blue merle girl
Blue merle girl
Roses and Dreams Great Design – “Wink” Blue bi girl |
Roses and Dreams Guys I’m It – “Vanity”
Red bi girl
Red bi girl
Roses and Dreams Glitter Star – “Lola” Black bi girl |
Red merle girl
Roses and Dreams Guns n Roses – “Axl” Red tri boy |

Unfortunately “Armani” passed away